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A Way Forward Comes From Our Past

Practically everything is cyclical. Like the Bobby Watson composition, ‘A Wheel Within A Wheel” everything comes back around. It’s how we renew. It’s how humans move forward. What’s old is new again, and there are beloved events in Kansas City Jazz History that many of us would love to repeat. Let’s do it! As we create a new generation of Kansas City Jazz.

After 3 years as Editor of Kansas City’s JAM Magazine, I am honored to have served and ready to step down. To see the beauty that others can create in this space. New ways to do an interactive online issue, or the possibility of a new printed version of JAM Magazine. I have heard from many talented folks with the vision and drive to create the future. Perhaps you have a vision you’d be happy to share, join us! Contact me at

It is time to change, change is life itself. However, the rituals of Kansas City’s beloved jazz past, A revived Jazz and Blues Festival, Concerts in the Park, and the 21 saxophone salute at Lincoln Cemetery on the 29th day of each August come up again and again in casual jazz conversation.

These traditions remain near and dear to the hearts of many jazz fans in our city. It’s always been The Kansas City Jazz Ambassadors mission to support the musicians, the city’s other jazz organizations, and to foster the perpetuation of the jazz artform itself. Join us, be a part of this organization and help create the future of Kansas City Jazz.

Thank you to every musician who shared their story with me over the past 3 years. This has been so enlightening. It has been so rewarding to serve. This issue will serve as our December-January issue of JAM Magazine with a new monthly addition beginning February 1st, 2023.

See you at the clubs and at jazz events,

David Basse


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