The Kansas City Jazz Ambassadors held their annual meeting Tuesday, December 14. Jazz pianist Dan Sturdevant was elected to the board of directors, which includes the following for 2022:
Mark Edelman, President
Stephan Mann, Vice-President
Jason Goudeau, Treasurer
Linda McShann, Secretary
Lynn Abrams, Director of Membership/Social
David Basse, Director of JAM
Herschel McWilliams, Director (IT/Website)
Brian Ruskin, Director of Scholarships
Dan Sturdevant, Director
Dan has practiced law in Kansas City, MO since 1975. He studied piano and voice at the UMKC Conservatory and is well-known for his gigs with Millie Edwards, Shay Estes, Tiffany Miller and Rick Huyett among many others.
“We’re delighted Dan has joined the team,” commented KCJA president Mark Edelman. “Dan and I both went to UMKC law school, but Dan’s the one with all of the talent. He’s been a pianist/band leader and jazz vocalist mainstay on the KC jazz season for decades now.”
Members attending the annual meeting reviewed the organization’s balance sheet thru September 30, 2021 prepared by Treasurer Jason Goudeau. Edelman gave a report on the Ambassador’s 2021 activities and plans for 2022.
“We’ll continue our monthly JAM Magazine on line, as well as the Future of Jazz scholarship program, Meet Ups to listen to KC Jazz and the 2nd annual JAM Musician Awards,” explained Edelman. “We’re here to support jazz musicians, clubs and concert venues in our town. We’re just one small part of that very important music scene.”
For information on the KC Jazz Ambassadors and to join the group, check out the organization’s website at