Fear Is the Mind Killer Arnold Young and the Roughtet
Daydream: Squiggle
Dave Stryker As We Are
Stephen Martin High Plains
Adam Larson Jazz Ginger
Chuck Lamb and Peter Mack: Exit 33
The Album Release Debut of a KC Old Soul
John Armato The Drummer Loves Ballads (2021) Review
Chalis O’Neal: Flirting
Hermon Mehari: Arc Fiction
"Kind Folk" by Ron Carlson — REVIEW
“What I Meant to Say” Steve Million Origin Records – REVIEW
E. E. Pointer: “Quarantine Dreams” (2021) Review
John Stein: Serendipity
"94 and Swingin'" - Meet Alto Saxophonist & Composer Vinnie Riccitelli
Rob Scheps & the TBA Band: Live at the Churchill School
Cynthia van Roden: Lost Verses (Dec. 2019)
The Freedom Affair: Freedom is Love (Sunflower Soul Records, KC, 2021)
Jammin' with KC: Sylwester Ostrowski & Jazz Forum Talents, featuring Bobby Watson, Logan Richardson,
EE Pointer—Dialogues